Thursday, May 24, 2007

Lovin' It!!

For those of us who like being rude without getting in someone's face about it...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

More sex stuff you just shouldn't say...

101 Things Not To Say During Sex

1. But everybody looks funny naked!

2. You woke me up for that?

3. Did I mention the video camera?

4. Do you smell something burning?

5. (in a janitor's closet) And they say romance is dead...

6. Try breathing through your nose

7. A little rug burn ever hurt anyone!

8. Is that a Medic-Alert Pendant?

9. Sweetheart, did you lock the back door?

10. But whipped cream makes me break out

11. Person 1: This is your first time... right?
Person 2: Yeah... today

12. (in the No Tell Motel) Hurry up! This room rents by the Hour!

13. Can you please pass me the remote control?

14. Do you accept Visa?


16. On second thought, let's turn off the lights.

17. And to think- I was really trying to pick up your friend!

18. So much for mouth-to-mouth.

19. (using body paint) Try not to leave any stains, okay?

20. Hope you're as good looking when I'm sober...

21. (holding a banana) It's just a little trick I learned at the zoo!

22. Do you get any premium movie channels?

23. Try not to smear my make-up, will ya!

24. (preparing to use peanut butter sexually) But I just steam-cleaned this couch!

25. Got any penicillin?

26. But I just brushed my teeth...

27. Smile, you're on Candid Camera!

28. I thought you had the keys to the handcuffs!

29. I want a baby!

30. So much for the fulfillment of sexual fantasies!

31. (in a menage a trois) Why am I doing all the work?

32. Maybe we should call Dr. Ruth...

33. Did you know the ceiling needs painting?

34. I think you have it on backwards

35. When is this supposed to feel good?

36. Put that blender back in the kitchen where it belongs!

37. You're good enough to do this for a living!

38. Is that blood on the headboard?

39. Did I remember to take my pill?

40. Are you sure I don't know you from somewhere?

41. I wish we got the Playboy channel...

42. That leak better be from the waterbed!

43. I told you it wouldn't work without batteries!

44. But my cat always sleeps on that pillow

45. Did I tell you my Aunt Martha died in this bed?

46. If you quit smoking you might have more endurance...

47. No, really... I do this part better myself!

48. It's nice being in bed with a woman I don't have to inflate!

49. This would be more fun with a few more people..

50. You're almost as good as my ex!

51. Do you know the definition of statutory rape?

52. Is that you I smell or is it your mattress stuffed with rotten potatoes?

53. You look younger than you feel

54. Perhaps you're just out of practice

55. You sweat more than a galloping stallion!

56. They're not cracker crumbs, it's just a rash

57. Now I know why he/she dumped you...

58. Does your husband own a sawed-off shotgun?

59. You give me reason to conclude that foreplay is overrated

60. What tampon?

61. Have you ever considered liposuction?

62. And to think, I didn't even have to buy you dinner!

63. What are you planning to make for breakfast?

64. I have a confession...

65. I was so horny tonight I would have taken a duck home!

66. Are those real or am I just behind the times?

67. Were you by any chance repressed as a child?

68. Is that a hanging sculpture?

69. You'll stil vote for me, won't you?

70. Did I mention my transsexual operation?

71. I really hate women who actually think sex means something!

72. Did you come yet, dear?

73. I'll tell you who I'm fanatasizing about if you tell me who you're fantasizing about...

74. A good plastic surgeon can take care of that in no time!

75. Does this count as a date?

76. Oprah Winfrey had a show about men like you!

77. Hic! I need another beer for this please

78. I think biting is romantic- don't you?

79. You can cook, too right?

80. When would you like to meet my parents?

81. Man: Maybe it would help if I thought about someone I really like...
Woman: Yourself?

82. Have you seen "Fatal Attraction"?

83. Sorry about the name tags, I'm not very good with names

84. Don't mind me.. I always file my nails in bed

85. (in a phone booth) Do you mind if I make a few phone calls?

86. I hope I didn't forget to turn the gas oven off. Do you have a light?

87. Don't worry, my dog's really friendly for a Doberman.

88. Sorry but I don't do toes!

89. You could at least ACT like you're enjoying it!

90. Petroleum jelly or no petroleum jelly, I said NO!

91. Keep it down, my mother is a light sleeper...

92. I'll bet you didn't know I work for "The Enquirer"

93. So that's why they call you MR. Flash!

94. My old girlfriend used to do it a LOT longer!

95. Is this a sin too?

96. I've slept with more women than Wilt Chamberlain!

97. Hey, when is it going to be my friend's turn?

98. Long kisses clog my sinuses...

99. Please understand that I'm only doing this for a raise...

100. How long do you plan to be "almost there"?

101. You mean you're NOT my blind date?

Yes, the official "What not to say in bed" list on a message board jewel I found...

Doin' a lot of internet self sexing, eh? Maybe you should keep it that way...

You looked so much better on cam than in person...

All right, dammit, who let the gross guy in here???

Damn honey your just about as good as my sister.

Rude, Rude and WHAT THE HELL???????

Are you in yet?

Turn the lights on......Oh wait turn them back off.

That reminds me of my little brothers
If it burns the condom, won't that have some sort of negative effect on your parts, as well???
Do you smell rubber burning??

Did you say CRUMBS or CRABS???

They're crumbs, I swear

Dude, seriously... get in the moment, here...
Did you remember to lock the back door??
Said it before, will say it a hundred more times, men DO need directions or help into where they're SUPPOSED to go.

wrong hole


Not really a "funny" per se, but a good read

Please, don't let yourself go to hell in a handbasket. She may not know how to tell you that you've turned into a pudgy pile of smelly shit, but she may hint at it. LOL

Seriously - this guy is right on in most everything he says. I will have to investigate his site more and root to see what I can find!!!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

masturbation and religion?

masturbation and religion? (Holy shit you gave up what for lent?)

How many people have been told that masturbation is against their religion but still do it? I have. Right now I am giving it up for lent, thank god only a few more days, and my wife just had a baby 2 weeks ago, so no play for me in a Anyone else?

Response #1: (I was a naughty catholic girl)
I suppose growing up Catholic, some nun along the way said something about touching oneself as being "bad". Like most things I learned in the Catholic church, I ignored this advice.

Response #2: (I like to get in the mood by fixing myself a good stiff drink)
Good Lord, isn't it hard enough getting laid without playing hard to get with yourself???

Response #3: (Jacking off is bad um-kay)
I always heard that masturbation was "bad" because it wasn't procreative (is that a word?) - and that sex was something you did with your spouse, not yourself. Luckily I learned that there's not a thing wrong with masturbating!

Response #4: (I am all for masterbation if it saves the kids...)
I consider myself to be religious and I don't think that under certain circumstances mastrubation is NOT bad at all. More and more conservative Theologens are supporting masturbation for un-married folks in lew of falling victim to premarital sex.

Response #5: (Oh my you bad boy. Do you want to play dirty catholic girl?)
I believe that this message comes across in many forms. from the way we made fun of it as kids, to this kind of hidden message that it's bad for some reason, i do believe people get that message. growing up, i went through a lot of pain because of that very message. i thought i was unclean and unsaved because i had to use this as an outlet. i believed i was sinning and evil to the core. then i read a book Orle (sp?) Roberts wrote geared toward teens. In it he adressed this and said that it wasnt directly written about, and kind of said that in his mind it was okay. that really gave me a lot of relief, because i was really beating myself up over it. no, i do not believe it is a sin, and when i am in the mood i do it. it provides outlet for fantasies i cannot live, and it bridges the gap between my drive and my wife's lesser drive. i see it as a healthy extension of my sex life, and i enjoy it.

Response #6: ( a bit of history, do we really care?)
Christian churches have misinterpreted a passage in Genesis 38 about Onan "spilling his seed" and incurring God's wrath as a teaching against masterbation. The real point (in most Biblical scholars view) is that Onan was supposed to impregnate his dead brother's wife (Tamar) and practiced "coitus interuptus" instead. He did this because of the way inheritances worked. If she had a son, he would stand to inherit a piece of his father's estate (the father in question was Judah). Onan didn't want his share diluted by this extra share. So God smote him. Tamar ended up seducing Judah himself and her son's lineage led to King David and eventually to Jesus

Response #7: ( The bible as a great smut book)
I have some issues with the lesson in this book of the Bible. God smote Onan for spilling his seed on the ground to avoid impregnating his dead brother's wife and losing a hunk of his inheritance but it was OK for her to seduce and be impregnated by her father in law. It's little things like this that make me take a less than literal view of the Bible. I do not honestly believe there is anything that indicates masturbation is outlawed by any major religion in the world. I was reading about the Puritans the other night. They had some very strict laws about what was and wasn't acceptable. I think a great many of the taboos they dreamed up have become the basis for many of the hang-ups we have today.

Response #8: (you mean it is wrong for me to skip out on work to play with myself?)
As a christian, my point of view is this. Most look at it in the same light as alcoholism, Is it bibicaly wrong to drink? Absolutly not. What is wrong is when it gets out of hand and we fall into to the wrongs associated with out of control alcoholism or masturbation. Is it wrong to refuse your spouse sex then go masturbate? Yes. Is it wrong to neglect your job to masturbate? Yes. Is it wrong to neglect your children to masturbate? Yes. As for the story of Onan in Gen 38, the Lord was angry NOT for spilling his seed, but for failing to using it to impregnate his "relative".

Response #9: (Masturbation = happy less crabby people)
Well I suppose that one should not avoid their job, partner, children but one might be jollier if they alleviate themselves on occasion. To masturbate does not mean that these other things are going by the wayside. And likewise, if I have no "relative" does that mean I should be dry til I find one? I sure hope not.

Response from poster: ( Is lent over yet?)
Great posts. I only stopped because i found myself half way through lent, my wife was about to give birth and I hadn't given anything up for lent. So I figured that I would give up masturbation. I only have a few more days. Its been 2 weeks, so I'm sure I can wait a few more days, but man has it been hard.

Response # 10: (555-5555 and you too can talk to god... he said it was all right for me to get frisky with my johnson- it is all good.)
I find that I had to have a conversation with God and as a matter of course know that masturbation is a fine and loving thing to give myself. As a child I did not find religion to be kind or overly loving really. Rather demonizing actually. I like my current deal. And if I had to wait til I was coupled or having sex with someone else that would be rather lonely and oft a long wait. Better to be happy and satisfied. There are so many other things that just are not so good in life. Why deprive yourself of something so satisfying that is not harming others. It is a good thing.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

It can change?

Change in size at 65 (by wbc_45 on Apr-2-07, 1 da 11 hr ago)

Just after my #65 birthday, my organ changed in sixe & shape. It had always been normal, straight and thick, bingo-it crooked up, and is about 1/2 size when errect. Does not look like mine anymore, any ideas, anyone?

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Why or WHY do people seem so stupid??

This was on JSO today...

Seems impossible, but could it be? (by Baby11612 on Mar-31-07, 13 min ago)

First of all I must mention that I have a two yr old and know about this kind of stuff, really, but still, I know this ques is completely ridiculous!!

I am in my second pack of Yasmin and am doing fine on it, etc. (I was on it in the past). Last month I got my period during the placebo week as predicted and although my period is not for another week and a half, I am wondering if I could be pregnant. I have been VERY nauseous for a week straight and won't eat all day, but then I'll have a craving for a burger and eat that and a hot dog and chicken wings (Yeah, haha). My mood has been TERRIBLE ups and downs. I do take antidepressants for depression and anxiety but my mood is just out of control right now. Well I took two preg tests this week, one in pm and other in am and they were negative. Could it be that it may not show up or something because I'm on the Pill? From a person that never gets sick like this, I am just confused. I don't want to be taking the Pill if I'm pregnant and do damage! I know this ques is really stupid but I just figured I'd see anyway. Thanks!

Lisa(30) Bryan(27) and.....little Julia, 2 years old!

goodness. I love how she first starts it out as she knows this all. But thinks she is pregnant on birth control WITH bfns.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The tip is like a bright red beacon in the night!

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I say don't shave em, You should wax em!

Shaving For A Doctor??? (Honey, doctors have seen it all but a little trim never hurt anyone.)

Hey I'm a kid who is 14 years old. I have a doctor's appointment coming up and I'm not sure if I should shave my balls or not. I don't want to look like a fool and just have hair everywhere, but I also do not want him to say something awkward like, "hey i see that you shave ur balls" or something along those lines. Just wondering, what do you do and what does the doctor say? I thought that I should shave them so that it is obvious that I shaved but there is still a reasonable amount of hair there. Please post what you do and what has happened.

Resonse #1: ( You know, I really like to play with my hair balls, they feel so furry between my... oh yeah where was I? ... Um, like I was saying...)
Hold off on the shaving. Your doctor has seen more balls, hairy and not, and yours will not be a surprise to him. You take the chance of you nicking yourself shaving and then having to explain that to him. Don't get too hung up on the amount of hair you have. Go get some old movies where the heros actually had bodies that were obviously male - they had hair on their chests and no doubt quite a bit below as well. Have fun with the doc - ask everything you want to know....

Response #2: (Whoa partner... I so want to be John Wayne! Now let me tell you how I wear my hair styled down there. I put just a little gel in and comb it over to the side. When I am frisky I wear it like a mohawk and tint it blue! If you want I can show you how... BTW I'll be waiting to hear how the appt went!)
Whoa partner...slow down. Why would a 14 year old boy even think about shaving his balls, especially for a doctor's appoinment? Pubic hair is a natural part of human development. Along with the hair comes increased penis and testicle size. These are signs that you are growing up. Granted as an adult male I do like the feel and appearnce of cropped pubic hair and keep mine relatively short and my balls shaved...but I don't understand why a kid would want to shave that area. My suggestion is you go to see your doctor just as you are. That way he can see that you are developing and maturing on schedule. Besides, there will be plenty of time for shaving, if that is something you really want to do, later. And FYI, when the hair grows back it itches like a mother. So go see the doctor, have fun and let me know how things go.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

ACLU and Breast Feeding (Rather graphic and rude, and hell, I don't HAVE to add much...)
Posted: Sep 16, 2006 10:49 PM

Lactating Ladies sounds like either a movie title for a sick porn flick or a song...

WHO calls bf'ing having their child "on the tit"?

So a woman in the middle of a very busy and crowded Toys'R'Us decides to pop her titty out and begin suckling her child. A store employee asks her if she could refrain or use the family bathroom in the store (which is why they have those for you lactating ladies). The woman, in a flurry of self-righteousness, says "I know my rights! My child is on the tit! I can feed it when and wherever I want! Even in front of these children with their parents who will be asking questions in the car on the way home, that yeah, maybe their parents didn't want to address yet. But I don't care because I'm a breastfeeding bitch and I'm going to make a scene instead of just going to a private area!"

So when the woman started making a scene and causing a disturbance, they called security on her ass. Might have something to do with the fact that she was causing a disturbance in a very crowded mall on the anniversary of September 11th... *shrugs*.... just maybe.

Now the ACLU is trying to sue Toys'R'Us. Give me a fucking break. The lady should have just gone to the bathroom instead of screaming in the middle of the store. It may be a "civil right" but so are a lot of other things that aren't neccessarily appropriate.

Funny little quote I hear a lot from older, wiser Americans. "Your rights end where mine begin." Think about it.


Never too young to tell your child that some people want to breastfeed in public and that some people are freaking PERVS

Natural child care and porn aren't the topic. Not all parents want to have to explain to their 5 year old why that lady has a baby sucking on her breast, some parents like to wait until their children can fully comprehend what they're being told.

If someone complained that her breastfeeding made them uncomfortable in the middle of a crowded store, then the store has the right to ask her to do it in private or somewhere else. Her making a scene about it and having security called on her for being belligerent is no one's fault but her own.

I couldn't care less if someone is breast feeding in front of me. I've got tits I know what they look like, but if someone says, "Hey, could you stop doing that in front of my kids?" she should have been graceful enough to not do it there. She could have walked into the nearest Wal-mart and walked around barefoot with her tit hanging out and I'm sure no one would have cared... but someone there did.

Millitant breastfeeders? LMAO And if I find out that anyone I know is still breastfeeding their child at the age of 5, oh, I'm going to wonder about you

Breastfeeding isn't a crime. I'm not crazy about these militant breastfeeders, but the woman was standing up for her rights. And I do feel a little uncomfortable when I seeing someone breastfeeding in public, but the argument that people shouldn't do it because small children might see is ridiculous. In some cultures five year olds still breastfeed! Any parent who doesn't want to explain that to their child should leave the kid at home. The rest of society shouldn't pander to these overprotective parents. By being reluctant to simply say to the child, "That mommy is feeding her baby. I did that when you were a baby," the parents are teaching the kids that the most natural act in the world is dirty.

Having a child = "squirting out a pup" - wow, who knew? I WANNA BE A BREEDER, TOO!!! Second paragraph - too funny. BF'ing will make your kid be a drain on society.

I agree with the notion that society shouldn't pander to overprotective parents. I also feel that parents should not be given special benefits soley because they squirted out a pup. Too many breeders think the fucking world revolves around their brat(s). Breasts serve a biological function. I can't stand militant anything, but this shouldn't have been such a big deal. I personally don't care to see a baby drinking milk straight from the tit, so I choose not to stare at a woman when she is feeding her child this way.

I also think if you are old enough to ask for it, then you're too old to have it. I knew a four year old who nursed. His mother was really into the La Leche League or whatever it's called and sent him to Montessori private schools and did all the supposedly right crunchy granola earth mother things she thought were good for him. This kid grew up to rob a convenience store.


Oh, my... so eloquent. Just full of all sorts of jewels. Read on...

people have rights, and i reserve the right not to have to look at some bitch's nasty tittie and her disgusting potato lump of a baby sucking on it in public. that may be how the baby is fed, but the baby does not have to drink exclusively from the breast. there are breast pumps, you can put your breast milk into a bottle to feed to your child when in a public place. i dont think it is such a matter of "my child doesnt need to see this yet" but a matter of no one needs to see that. i do not want to look at some womans boobies. and yes, i could look else where, but i should not have to, i should not be inconvinienced because someone decided to have a baby and feed it strictly from the breast only. it is disrespectful to the people around you, and only a truly trashy bitch would pull a stunt like this.

I FEEL a little dirty after this last one...

If the fact that screwing me *could* make your dick turn green and fall off, do you mind not knowing right away???

Original Post:
I belong to several online dating sites (i.e. Match). I see men who specify "Drug & Disease Free and looking for same". I have used this exact same phrase in my profile, and it just cuts thru me like a knife not to be part of the DDF club anymore.

The question is, should I even bother to corespond with a man who specifies that he's seeking DDF ladies, and only divulge if a if appears a relationship is developing? If I was on the man's end of this scenerio, I'd be pissed that I had been misled and/or lied to if I wasn't told up front.

OR, is the best way to to tell upfront before a face-to-face meeting at the risk of being rejected due to a knowledge deficit? Crying or Very sad
Location: Beaumont, TX

Response by someone who thinks that anyone not wanting to contract an STD is just PICKY and will not be FUN!! You're shitting me, right? My hoohoo will not make your dick turn purple, is that now a BAD thing?

If it were me and I came across a profile that said "DFF" I would skip over it and move on to the next one. If he is THAT picky then he's not going to be much fun to be around. At least that is how I see it.

I think it's so interesting that people are so picky. Of course I can understand describing yourself so that you can meet people that are the same but how much of a quality person do you think this guy is if he has "DFF" in his profile, ya know??

Don't know if I should sigh or scream that this individual could breed and share this stupidity...

Hung like a horse!

do woman change down there? (down there? like at our toes? Oh you mean the vagina... yes nimrod you spelt it wrong but when your 9.5 inches long who need brains)

I was wondering if woman change as far as their vigina's size goes? Have been together for 16 yrs. she is 42 and i am 49. for about the last 8 months, whenever we have sex-which is usually 3 or 4 times a week- she will only let me use about half of my penis when i enter her. I am 9 1/2 inches long when erect, but can only get about half of it in her before she starts saying that it hurts. Has any other females had this problem and if so, what caused this to occur. We are both healthy and have had a great sex life till now. Any answers??

Response#1: (I am wincing in pain at the thought of your 9.5 inch rod)
just a thought, maybe now she is feeling comfortable enough to tell you its too much and to not go in so deep, maybe it has always hurt her.

Response by poster: (Harder harder harder, she would scream so your just jealous)
know that is not the case at all!! She used to really enjoy our times together and would like when I would use long, hard strokes because she had her hands on my butt pulling me in. She has no idea why the change and her doc says there is nothing wrong in there...

Response #2 (I buy the 5 in cucumbers at the grocery store so I know!)
The math doesn't add up. The average vagina is about four inches long. It can lengthen a bit during arousal but not double or triple in size. It is likely early on in your relationship things were hot and steamy and perhaps she didn't mind the discomfort. At any rate, women don't change in terms of shrinking "down there".

Response by poster: (yup I have these women picturing me naked)
thanks for the reply Gail.. I know for sure that I have not gotten longer, but everything was good till just a few months ago. We could do any position with full penetration, but now it is very limited.

Response #3: (where the hell did you pull 4 inches out of? My hole is bigger than that!)
I don't know where you got the statistic that the average vagina is only 4 inches long. There are many men that are his size and their women don't have a problem accommodating them. Besides he didn't say which doctor said she was completely healthy. Did she go to a gynecologist? Has she had a transvaginal ultrasound to determine if she possibly has endemetriosis (don't know if I spelled that right) or fibroid tumors? Both of those conditions could cause painful intercourse. If she hasn't a transvaginal ultrasound, I would recommend she get one done so she can find out what the problem is. If that comes back normal, maybe the problem is just lubrication (there are some over the counter I understand). At 42, she's likely perimenopausal which changes things for a lot of women. I'm 44 and so far I definitely don't lack lubrication but I understand some women need help in that area the closer they get to menopause.

Response #4: (no see the vagina is only 4 inches deep!)
Its true that the average vagina is only about 4 inches in depth. If it wasnt women, and their doctors, wouldnt be able to reach their cervix. When a women is aroused the vagina elongates. Heres a link for you.

Response #5: (you see when you age, the vagina gets dry like the desert, so you need to lube that big boy up)
They can get dryer. That could cause some discomfort with a man of size. Lube Lube Lube Why didn't God make men with self lubricating glands? I know pre-cum is slipery and all but there just is not that mutch of it. By the time we put the lube in... it's over! Of course withthe way men get excited so easily we would all be walking around with big wet spots on the fronts of our pants or be wearing Rubber traing pants type garments!

Response # 6: (maybe she is just getting old and her women parts are drooping)
I had a friend whose bladder dropped at about that age and she said that made sex very uncomfortable. Maybe she should see her doctor abut the discomfort. --

Response # 7: ( I was thinking the same as you... if you stick your finger up there does it feel like a water balloon?)
Yes, I wondered if it was a prolapse too

Response #8: (Charge? Change? it doesn't matter but what the hell are you going to do with half of this guys dong?)
only half...mmmmmm...cut that half off and send it to me, i can use it. thanks. da bear. and yes women change down there. and they charge down there too.

Response #9: ( at least he wasn't thinking your penis is cute... he is a mortician so he is whacked)
oh huggybear!! Please don't use the word cut when thinking of my penis!!!!LOL And why in the world would you want half a penis??

Response #10: (don't get your package in a tizzy I was just kidding... But I was secretly thinking what I could do with half a penis... I could scare the little gray hair ladies at church with it!)
ITS A JOKE my surgeon told me many years ago. a man couldnt talk, he could only whisper and it was irritating to his wife of twenty years. she said honey you need to find out the cause of why you cant talk, only whisper. so the man went to the doctor and the doctor examined him and said ohhhhhhh i found out why you can only whisper and he told the man it was because he had a sixteen inch penis and it was pulling on his vocal cords. the man whispered oh doctor can you do something about it and the doctor said sure, ill cut off half your penis and im sure you can talk then. The man really wanted to talk so he had the operation. Well all was fine for awhile but of course his wife missed the other eight inches for sex and she sent the man back to the surgeon. he said doctor my wife wants you to re attach my other 8 inches so I can satisfy her with sixteen inches. The doctor whispered, Ill see if i can find that other eight inches. hehe. so i didnt mean to hurt your feelings hehe. now you see why. at least I hope so. best of luck to you. and being a morticians assistant for a long time you would be surprised what i have seen in the penis department. ' DA BEAR

spit or swallow?

eating semen what can happen? (You ask smarted questions!)

Response # 1: (It tastes like chicken)
It tastes good. High in protein!

Response #2: (So jack off in a cup and try it! No harm in a no thank you helping*)
Not sure about that whole protein thing but no, there's no harm. And if it's your own semen, no possibility of harm. Be sure you are practicing safe sex if you are with any partners with whom you don't know their STD status. --

* No thank you helping is a small portion of a food you don't like but will eat just to satisfy the hostess

It looks like the horses are once again safe from the glue factory...

vaginal glue? (Glue? like the stuff that makes things stick?)

recently had a vaginal disharge and i'm not sure what it was. It was, like, a clear gel like substance. it didn't have an odor, but it was like a glue. what could it be??

Response #1: (would it be considered organic? And should we really let our kids use it for arts and crafts? I'd be scared of a topical STD) (Um this guy works with stiff! Honey I think you need a better ventilator at the funeral home. Stop sniffing the formaldehyde!)
It appears that ol Elmer is messing around there somewhere. Id bottle it and sell it, make a little dough. I have the same thing from ears, now that is a problem huh, no smell either and sort of like glue. mmmmmmmm are we giving away secrets? well, my doctor said. if it dont smell dont worry about it. I cant hear anyhow and i guess thats why im a morticians assistant too, my smeller aint workin too well either. but i would see an ob/gyn for yours. i dont think he or she would do me anygood. but then again, one never knows does one. have a fine day. DA BEAR.

Response #2: (I just checked myself out and I have it too... It must be normal)
Sounds like normal vaginal discharge.

Response #3: (Egg white cervical mucus does not make good omelets FYI)
Sounds normal to me - this is what the TTCers call egg white cervical mucus. It happens just before and during ovulation. don't worry about it.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I am a slut...don't tell anyone.

By yet another who does not get the public aspect of a public message board.

have an issue my last period was 2/20 until 2/24 i had intercoures that day. then i had intercourses on the 4th of may and the 9th of may. i found out i was pregnant on the 23rd of march. do you know how far along i would be or when was my ovulation. i was unfortunatly with two people on the 4th and the 9th im trying to figure it all out. please keep this private.

By, not an idiot..

You just posted to a public message board... The only way to know is through DNA testing after the birth of the baby

Your head looks like Darth Vedar's helmet on a very tiny stick...

Original Post:

I have been seeing this guy for about 3 years now and he asked me a question that I couldn't answer. I am hoping for some answers.

He wanted to know how his penis felt to me in detail. I told him that is felt extremely fantistic, nice and hard. He wanted more details, More adjectives.

How would you describe how the penis feels to you while inside of you?

Response #1:(Yeah, good luck with that)
just curious why he wants to know... I think I would be in the same boat if my guy was asking me a question like that. Best of luck to you figuring it out!

Response #2:(what type of a question is that?)
Umm... filling.
Did you ask him to decribe how your vagina feels when he's inside you?

Response #3: (Where do you want me to stick the cucumber?)
would get a cucumber and ask him to bend over for a quick demonstration.

Response #4:(Way too much info chicky. Keep your fluid talk to yourself)
According to one of the blogs on webmd, a woman has the most nerve endings in the lower third of her vagina. I do not know how long my vagina is before you would get to the cervix but it must be pretty long because I can feel every inch of his penis during intercourse. His penis throbs a lot the whole time we are having sex--especially right before he is about to orgasm. Every nerve ending in my vagina is throbing as a result and I have the most incredible vaginal orgasms (sometimes as many as 15 orgasms in one session of lovemaking) because of this. He usually hits my g-spot which seems to be about 3 inches into my vagina which feels great. The harder his penis is, the better it feels. When he hits my g-spot a certain way, alot of a clear watery and odorless substance comes out when I orgasm and it feels wonderful. When my husband orgasms, he shoots a powerful stream of ejaculate (and there's alot of it)and my vagina feels really full and warm and I quite often orgasm again when he does. Does that answer your question? When he asks you how his penis feels inside of you, he probably wants to know if you can feel every inch of his penis and the sensations you feel in your vagina. I would imagine this would vary with every woman depending on how long and how thick her partner's penis is. My husband's is average length but very thick (about 3 inches in diameter!) so I feel everything.

Response#5: ( Oh my, I think this one got off by reading the above post)
Wow ! This is a very beautiful sexy account. You're a very sexy articulate lady. As a guy I'd like to ask you a couple questions- According to the stats I've seen, almost all guys have a penis circumference of 6 inches or less when fully aroused, the average being 5 inches. We also keep hearing that 70% of women orgasm only clitorally. I'm wondering if your extreme pleasure is a function of your guy's extreme girth,( which unless you're off a bit with the math, makes him a real stallion of a man and you one blessed mare). What is your guy's circumference ? Has he done anything to increase it from some more human size ? (If so I'd love to be his student!)

Response#6: (A penis by any other name is just a penis)
I don't think it matters how we would describe a penis (and every one is different anyway). I think the guy wanted you just to talk to him about his penis and probably wouldn't have cared what you said as long as you talked. I suppose he was fishing for compliments ... in his own way ... A little like women who ask "do you like my breasts" and then are somewhat crestfallen and disappointed when the answer is just plain "yes".

Response #7: (drugs are bad um-KAY)
and hey, how did my meatloaf taste the other night when you were over for a home cooked meal. darn I bet it was mouthwatering and delicious and the onions i had in there should have added to the taste plus the hamburger was not hamburger, it was bison and its much better on the fat content, did you notice the tomatoes I used to cook the meatloaf. whew and then some added cheese too right in the inside of the loaf. Then you added ketchup, yuck you really tore me up on that but alas, men like it different. and as for your penis, i like it. it feels good in me and its hot and makes me gooey for another piece of meatloaf kind sire??? DA BEAR as for FCL ..say la veeeee...hehe. goot french.

Those damned germy spermies...

Unprotected sex while pregnant... (by someone who doesn't seem to MIND that they're pregnant and just barely through puberty, it's more interesting to her that they CONTINUE to have sex, now... a little late for your concern, dumbass, where were you before the baby was conceived, with your concern?)

What are the risks of having unprotected sex while pregnant? Please help ASAP, my 17 y/o brother-in-law and his 15 y/o girlfriend are about 3 months pregnant and think that it is okay to be having unprotected sex (and a lot of it). While I'm not exactly sure whether or not he's telling the truth about pulling out before ejaculation, I would like some feed back as to how this could effect the baby (i.e. if he has the stomach flu, or some other kind of illness). HELP!


Unprotected sex while pregnant... (by the common sense dispenser lady )

Unprotected sex is completely safe unless the doctor has put her on pelvic rest. It doesn't matter whether he pulls out or not because the baby is well protected in there.

Don't worry, the baby will be fine!

Unprotected sex while pregnant... (by someone who might be using that semi private room in the hospital to their sexual advantage. LOL)

never heard of unprotected sex being bad when your pregnant....

why would it be?? me and my SO have it and im 7 months preggo...


Unprotected sex while pregnant... (by a poster more patient than me...)

Typically there is no danger in unprotected sex during pregnancy, but STDs are very serious during pregnancy, so if they are not monogomous, they should always use a condom (pulling out won't do anything for STDs). But if they are monogomous and have been tested for STDs, there's no harm in unprotected sex and no need for him to pull out.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Desperately looking for a date...

You: unsuspecting lonely sad looking boy on subway.

Me: Girl with blue Urn. I spilled my grandmother on you, I'm sure you remember.

If you see this we should do lunch...this time without grandma.

Craigslist for the date challenged...

When spelling matters...


when is the right time to many times a week and why is it important?

~~~response #1(What the fuck does she want to know?)
What is dutching? Going to the Netherlands and wearing wooden shoes? Do you mean douching?

~~~reply from poster:(Where the hell are the Netherlands... having a blonde moment)
Yes! thats what I mean...Thanks... That was funny.hehehe!

~~~response#2 (this one is coming from a man)
Or perhaps "going dutch" meaning each paying their own way. I suspect the first guess was better than mine and I have no opinion on the matter. Not to mention no experience.

~~~reply from poster:(shit, I need to invest in a dictionary)
hahaha! Funny, Really! I just didn't know how to spell it.

~~~response#3 (Settle down class... todays topic is cleaning the vagina)
Now that everyone has had their spelling lesson. Here it goes no one needs to douch, your body will take care of cleansing itself. So douching may just cause other problems so the best bet is not to.

~~~response#4 (I took responder# 3's class)
Unless your doctor has told you to douche, it's really best NOT to do it all. It upsets the delicate balance of bacteria in the vagina and can cause a nasty infection. --

~~~response#5(Honey put down the bong)
you can go dutch on douching, pay the separate bills for the equipment and the douche and like Gail said go to Holland and get some wooden shoes and...naw. just dont douche unless you are told to by a health professional. or a healthy professional or a bear with credentials. best of luck and hey there was a musican named Eddie Duchin. Now you got me wondering if he douched or his wife douched. Its raining here in Denver, so nice and no snow this time. DA BEAR. Hi Chrissy hope you are behaving yourself. hehe.

So there you have it, you can't douche in Holland wearing wooden shoes and picking tulips... this girl needs a dictionary quick!

Friday, March 23, 2007

A sloppy request

Previous begging post

Ok, so I'll just say again, I hope we get plenty of people posting stuff (I think there are 20+ potential authors that I've asked to join us), commenting on stuff and just reading this stuff.

Here is what my line of thinking was for putting this together (aside from essentially copying the idea from a wonderful lady who used to do it back in 2005, but has been invited to contribute here, now, as well):

This blog is TOTALLY not all TTC related, it can be about anything. My PREFERENCE would be staying away from the mental health boards as a general rule, because at least those people already REALIZE they're f-ed up and are trying to get support. BUT, if you see a trainwreck of sorts just too damned funny to pass up, then go for it! If it gets submitted to me and seems too mean to post, then I'll just ask that you post it yourself. LOL I don't mind taking shit over something, but would rather you get your own blame when it's due. LMAO

I'm also thinking that providing links to the websites we found them on and such should be a no-no. I don't want this to turn into us connecting the wide world of idiot psychos to the lambs, so to speak.

Please feel free to post things, yourself. I've just been making my own comments bold so you can tell the difference, easily. I think that's the easiest way to do it. I sent out a total of 20+ requests for people to write on it, so I'm hoping that those who opted to join in do that!

I figured, between all of us, we'd see some funny shit. It doesn't HAVE to be message board stuff, but those are easy pickins. It also, by NO MEANS, needs to be based on only one message board community at all. Go anywhere, look for the goofiest shit you can find, and post it! :o)

Another thing, which I'll try to help with if I see it got missed, is taking out the poster's name and info. If you copy a post from Webmd, for example, and paste it to the blog with all the names in it, the names will often turn into links and that's when anyone could see it and go make messes that we don't want the mods to have to clean up.

Any other rules to live by that anyone can think of? Also, did I forget to invite anyone???

If I know you, you can be added to the author's area. If not, then email me and I'll post your submissions (it's on the right side of the page, OR Yes, it IS that exciting. :o)

Let's have fun with this, shall we?

Thursday, March 22, 2007

If you just agree with me for a minute, we can have sex.

Wow, if you agree with me, we can do the dirty deed. If you don't, then I don't think that even people that agree with you should have sex with you. Maybe this girl thinks that she and HER like-minded planet-mates are the ONLY ones who should EVER procreate, again... God Love Ya, R88888...

One shouldn't have sex with people who have very different views on reproductive rights.
By R***** on February 19, 2007
I think I have a right to birth control pills, condoms, an abortion should I need one, etc. And one of the ways I can help to encourage that right is to not have sex with people who think that I don't. Their views effectively mean that they think I should be punished for having sex, so clearly they think I should be having less sex. The natural consequence of that is that I think nobody should have sex with them. As I am pro-choice, I don't have sex with people who aren't, and I encourage other people to do likewise. If no pro-lifer could get laid, they'd probably change their views, and even if they didn't, they'd have what they deserve.

Were I pro-life, I certainly wouldn't have sex with anyone who wasn't. And I think no male who is pro-life should have sex with a female who isn't, since it is the woman's choice whether or not to abort, and he would be running the risk of causing an action he considers to be wrong. If you have sex with someone who is pro-choice where there is any risk of a baby being created, and you aren't female, you are effectively consenting to an abortion.

Now, if you're a pro-choice man and you have sex with a woman who absolutely would not have an abortion, you are either okay with raising that child or an idiot. But it does get more complicated as you can be personally against an abortion for yourself but okay with not taking away the choice from others.

If you're a pro-choice woman, than you really shouldn't have sex with a man whose views disagree with you, but you at least need the man to be okay with whatever level of care and support you expect from him should a child ensue, otherewise again, you're stupid.

This obviously only applies for consensual sex. Any situation that involves non-consensual sex just sucks and there is a clearly very wrong action on the part of the person doing the forcing, but no fault for the person who had no choice.

I wonder if this chick was drunk as hell when she typed this up or what.

Ewwww. You did IT, WHERE???

YES, I really found this on the net. No, it's NOT something I made up, it is a "list of things to do". One of the things listed is:

Have sex somewhere I probably shouldn't

One person said: (I say gross, but she says that THE best place to have sex IS:)

Have it Your Way

McDonald’s Women’s Bathroom Stall . . . Louisa <3's Brian like Exhibitionists <3 public stalls.
Jan 20, 02:09PM PST 3 cheers (Oh, shit, people actually CHEERED for the crapper idea. Nice.)

A stupid chick with an equally stupid ex-boyfriend who's smart enough to reach through the bars, but not smart enough to get a real girlfriend said:

At first we thought we weren’t going to be able to get into the tower: the door was locked. Luckily, my ex-boyfriend was smart enough to reach through the bars (the door was like that of a jail cell) and unlock it. High-tech security right there. Totally worth it! I’m sure there’s someone out there who happened to look up that night and see our silhouettes, but that’s ok. We had our fun, took our time, and didn’t get caught!

Just another quick DUUUHHHHHH pause for the above.


Here's a charmer for you, folks. Could this be YOUR KID? We're talking a SCHOOL LOCKER ROOM HERE. Nice teacher presence, or hell, maybe it WAS the teacher. :o) Like or look @ them, not much of an education going on, but she'll be PG before she graduates, or at least have some VD thing going on.

During my swim class, changing into bathingsuits. Let’s just say I won’t like @ our school’s locker rooms the same again. ;] ROFLMAO.
Errrr, another pair who should be STUDYING instead of SCREWING, but hell, at least it sounds like this one MIGHT be in college, at least...?

My boyfriend asked if I wanted to try anything new, so I whispered “come with me”, grabbed his hand, and off we went.

Let’s just say I’ll never look at the student center or the campus library the same way again ;-)
asleepintheback (WTF, just think how turned on YOU'D be by doing it in the toilets! Oh, baby, flush me, baby, flush me...)

I did this once – well a few times actually – in the toilets at my last job. And somehow got away with it everytime. It’s a lot of fun trying to keep the smiling from your face afterwards!

1 cheer | 2 comments (nope, I didn't look, I didn't want to know what kind of people would cheer or comment on this one)

There's a hole in my bucket, Dear Liza, Dear Liza

This hole... by D***

Hey guys, I got this hole right below my Tail bone that will not go away. Im not too sure how long its been there but it has been bleeding everyday for about a little over a month. The blood is very bright red. Im very concerned about it. Even though its just a few drops a day. It often bothers me. Its about the size of a small pen. Please help.

You say your concerned but you have yet to anything about it. You have 2 choices here:

1. call your doctor and have it evaluated or..

2. Put a band aide on it and pray it doesn't go gangrene on you.

Seriously, do you take the short bus?

Underage drinking is caused by uneducated prostitutes?

This comes from another site but thought it was too good to pass up!

This is proof that americans are mentally sick! Your gonna detere drinking by banning them from being chauffered?? If kids are gonna have an alcoholic beverage I surely wouldn't be that stupid and ban them from being driven to and from their prom. Just cause a few hooligans are in the crowd shouldn't label everyone as a troubled teen. Are you gonna shelter them from every experience so they become tame little vegetables with no possibility of allowing them to use their common senses? Lets ban adults that insist on dwarfing human growth.

any kind of substance abuse comes from dead beat parents and the teens should not be held liable for their wayward behavior. I think they should start imprisoning these women who endlessly spawn without care and that is where the problems lie with society having to worry. When will women start closing their legs and get an education and start supporting themselves then maybe they won't think they can just hatch unwanted kids for the rest of us to worry about.It's really sad how low self esteems american women have that they feel their only contribution to the world is to spread their legs.

Get your head out of your ass...

Gynecologists by M**** (What in the world are you smoking to come up with a question like this?)
Can anyone here agree with me that male gynecologists are just professional perverts?

Uhhh no. Why do you think that. (That is what I am wondering)

~~~ M*** (no seriously you need to just shut it)
just imagine- a man whose job is to look at vaginas and massage breasts. dont you think that in order to decide to go to med school for that specialty at 24 that there is a bit of mischief or perversion involved?

~~~D*** (um ewwwwwwww)
Oh yeah, smelly infections and pap smears are so sexy. I know they get me hot.

~~~B*** (I'll give you my experience with the vagina doctor and tell you of my testes exam)
My response may be that of a fish out of water……. At one point my wife's OB/GYN was male. I attended visits on several occasions (when she was pregnant). Everything always seemed normal and highly professional. My wife never reported feeling uneasy at all; with or without me being there. I have to assume that, as with all professions, there are some that are better than others; but given the amount of training, education and schooling involved - I have a hard time thinking they would be perverts. I would also have to think that a good deal of the problems they would need to diagnose wouldn't exactly be alluring. I'll offer this. My female MD showed me how to check myself for signs of testicular cancer; a process in which she gently rolled each testicle between her thumb and index/middle finger. To me, there wasn't anything creepy about it - nor would I expect she received any collateral thrill from it.

~~~S*** (Hey perv why the hell do you want to know? did you?)
I'm curious, when she showed you this, did you get an erection? What was her reaction?

~~~SO*** (all right I feel i need to analyze you a bit more to understand)
No. By your analogy would all pediatricians and teachers be pedophiles? Choosing a particular medical field of practice has nothing to do with one's sexual preferences. My (male) gynecologist is gay - I doubt he chose the profession because of any perversions having to do with women. --

~~~M*** to SO*** ( teachers? pediatricians? no I want to talk about the gyneocologist)
I think that if one wanted to be teacher would reflect his/her desire to learn and express that interest to others, wether it be grade school to college. Pediatricians seemingly would have the desire to help and give children the best possible start to their lives. But the question remains in my head (no matter how unsavory it may be to some) about male gynecologists

~~~C*** (I am secretly wondering what his wife's hoo hoo looks like)
If that question remains than I guess it will remain for a long time, as women have repeatedly said they never felt creeped out and women have a prettty good sense about things like that. Anyway can you imagine what this mans wife has to do to impress him if that is his main objective. Poor woman.

~~~SO*** to M*** ( huh? i don't get it)
Why is it so far-fetched in your mind that male gynecologists don't have the same desires as teachers, pediatricians, social workers, etc. to help people?

~~~B*** ( honey you seem to normal to be in this conversation)
Let me turn the question. Has anyone ever had anything happen with their gynecologist that they thought was off base? Has anyone every had anything with an OB/GYN happen that they questioned as being innapropriate? I'm not digging for dirt - it is more of a "I wonder if some people believe OB/GYNs are perverted or presume them guilty due to their proximity and access to a woman's vagina and anus". I don't see it that way. I've had some lower GI-related things done - and no one involved got any pleasure out of it. Similarly. I have never had any sexual pleasure from having my penis/testicles examined by my MD. What am I missing from the argument?

~~~D*** ( I am in the health field so let me set you straight)
Cant say i've ever had any experiences with a gyn that i thought were crossed the line. The first practice i went to 4 of the 5 doctors were men. They were all very professional and very sensitive and gentle. And pelvic exams, pap smears, breast exams, ect. are not pleasent and have never been sexually pleasing in any way. Especially during pregnancy when they're trying to reach your cervix. OUCH! Anytime i've had a pelvic and/or breast exam a nurse has always been present, regardless of whether the doc was male or female. This is to protect the doctor and the patient. And considering all the nasty things gyn's see (like infections, STD's, ect) i highly doubt gyn's are perverts or get pleasure out of doing pelvics and such. Just like any other doctor they want to keep their patients healhty. And many gyn's are ob's as well so they probably enjoy helping women bring children into the world.

~~~L*** ( don't let me do your taxes my math skills suck)
My doctor is first a surgeon specializing in the abdomen. He has been in my body up to his elbows. Always professional but he can be funny and friendly too. I like him and yesterday he had his hand in my pants checking my pains. Still professional. I think medicine is a calling and of course, there are some jokers out there. Mostly on tv. I know of four doctors who wanted to have sex with patients to get their jollies and none were gyns except one. Well, I guess that makes about 1/4 of them might be over sexed.

~~~J*** (let me introduce you to the ice queens)
No, not at all. After a few weeks of being a gyn resident, I'm sure it's "if you've seen one, you've seen 'em all." All my male gynos have been wonderful and the three female gynos I've had have been...peculiar. Two were ice queens and one was just...peculiar. Hard to have a conversation with. There's absolutely nothing sexual about a yearly gyn exam.

~~~F*** (Show me the vagina money)
My assumption has always been that men that go into gynecolgy do so because it is incredibly lucrative. Keep in mind that they do more than just look at vagina's and breasts. Most are OB's too, and they deliver babies, and from a business stand point it is a good financial risk to guess that for about 50% of your patient base you can count on at least 1 if not more $2500-$5000 dollar births...much more if a woman has complications or infertility issues that you can help with. A pregnant woman has infinately more office visits, that take infinitely less time than that of a GP or some other specialities, so it is reasonable to assume that they can see more patients daily, thus increasing there income potential exponentially. And not to be rude, but look around you. How many women in your daily life would you even WANT to see naked? I'm sure there are many patients that neglect hygeine, and that don't have Victoria's Secret model bodies, and that quite frankly have some unsexual issues happening with their intimate parts. Most of what a gyne deals with happens internally anyway. I'm guessing that the average cervix and uterus don't do much for any guy. Just my opinion...

~~~L*** (thanks for setting us straight...)
lot stay out of this practice or move from it because malpractice insurance is so expensive and the liability so great. I some small towns you can not find a GYN that will deliver a baby. They have given up that area of practice due to liability issues. OB/GYN's and anesthesiologist have the highest malpractice costs of any physicians. Fertility has become a specialty unto its self seperate from the OB/GYNs office in most cases.

~~~C*** ( Ummm, no! please fill me in... big hands mean what?)
Well, I guess I'm the only one in the boat who wished mine HAD been a perv.....had nice LARGE, manly hands....and you know what they say about big hands.............. naaaahhhh, just kiddin.

~~~A*** (hey shithead a proctologist can probly help you get your head out of your ass... and maybe find your missing gerbil)
What does that make a Proctologist?

~~~G*** ( I'm going to give you some history ... back in my day)
And a urologist? Of course gynecologists are not "professional perverts". Having worked with a number over the years in health care, I have to say that they do not view their patients as sexual objects and get no "thrill" out of viewing breasts, vagina's or other body parts. Your kind of thinking goes back to a time where male physicians were not allowed to examine their female patients unless the patients were dressed in long gowns and physicians were discouraged from even viewing their naked bodies. Very archiac thinking. And very poor medical care provided to these women.

~~~MH*** (ewwww old wrinkly vagina talk)
A doctor goes through and awful lot of education, training, schooling, and expense, years and years of school, for look at an obese 70 year old woman's privates? Any guy that went through all of that for a thrill has surely been disappointed.

~~~A ***to MH*** ( I now have a mission in life... to find a beautiful vagina)
was going to be a little crass too Mark, but thought better of it...but since you opened the door..I am going to say what I was thinking... I think gynecology is a risky profession, because once you have seen up close and personal all of the really icky things that can go wrong with the vagina, and all of the really unpleasant sights and orders that can be associated with it, I would wonder if even the most beautiful vagina in the world would hold any allure whatsoever. A lot of us don't just go to the gyny to show off our nice, sweet smelling, sexy girl parts...lots of us go in with stuff discharging, or inflamations or smells that are down right embarrassing... I agree...if some guy was JUST looking for a cheap thrill there are better bout porn movie cameraman...he probably sees as many as a gyny and they are all 'dressed up and ready to go.'

~~~L*** ( Praise the lord and get a clue)
The men who do become doctors have so much more character to them than the narrow-minded view you seem to have of women, especially. For them to have the view you think they have, they'd have to see women only sexually, and no other way. My doc told me once that delivering babies was the highlight of his life and he will never ever get tired of what a miracle it is that women can give birth...he also said he just loved being able to help couples start families. Professional pervert? You are seriously missing the whole point. 100 years ago I would've died during childbirth, as many women did, so I thank God my doc was as wonderful as he is. Get a clue.

~~~MH*** (Mickey Mouse vs. The Vagina)
Even if you have an attractive woman in the stirrups, there's always supposed to be a female medical tech in the room, and the environment is very sterile. Then there's the repetition: hundreds and hundreds of vagina's in every state of confusion, and belonging to every type and age of woman. That idea doesn't do anything for me, and I can imagine reaching a point where the last thing in the world I'd want to see when I got home was my wife's privates. I remember when I was 18 I worked at Disneyland. Sounds great eh? Except that when Disneyland becomes a job its not fun, its work, and that is a different kettle of fish inference inteneded. Nope, any doctor that starts out thinking they're going to see lots of naked babes is going to get more than they bargained for.

~~~B to MH (A bit off topic)
You worked at the park? So did I.

~~~MH to B ( I am an old SOB)
Yup, I worked at the Tragic Kingdom from 72-73 I was a deck hand on the boat crew, and in fact for awhile I belonged to the Inland Boatman's Union of the Pacific!

~~~LI*** ( I'm sorry but I don't understand the words coming out of your mouth)
I liked the Disneyland reference. I love to go out to eat in restaurants, and I've worked in many of them as well. I'm a pretty good tipper BECAUSE I KNOW how hard (and under appreciatated) that type of work is. Does serving look like fun? If you are somewhat decent at it, it should--that's your job--making people enjoy themselves and want to come back to your restaurant. But it often takes a whole lot of hard work on your part for the guests to "think" that your job is fun and easy. I never thought in these terms about a gyn, but now I do. What a tough job it must be to try to get apprehensive women to relax enough for basic examinations. Aye! I'm overdue for mine, and you can bet I will be thinking about this next time I go in for it. Pervert? Oh my, no. Dedicated patient person? Oh my, yes.

~~~KD*** (Hey don't pick on the mentally ill)
Only men who were stuck with a junior high mentality. And those types wouldn't have what it takes to make it through 4 grueling years of med school and another 2 to become licensed and board certified.

That is just the way a penis is made...

Zit like things on penis?

What are they. There just like zits but on your penis.

~~~response #1- I got them too!
yeah but there not big i dont know what they are

~~~response#2- There is a medical name for them...
Fordyce spots. They are harmless, and almost everybody has them

~~~ Response#3- by I got them too once again
thanks is there a way to get rid of them?

~~~ Response #4 - by #2
no. short of laser surgery, which would leave a bunch of scars that would look worse. it's just the way a penis is made.

I guess guys do care what it looks like!

Where do I get these so called "magic" pills?

A pill that can make your johnson grow... these are every girl's dream pills. These sound better than magic Jack and the beanstalk beans...

Pills for penis enlargement:
I have heard that these pills do in fact increase the size of your member. Has anyone also heard this?

~~~Response #1 - Grow penis grow!
Only when inserted under the skin, and then only temporarily. Think about it. How rich would the guy be who invented a pill that would grow your penis? That man or woman's name would be on every news broadcast, every stock market report, etc. He would be buying Bill Gates, just because he could.

~~~Response#2 Mod
No pill or potion can enlarge your sex organ, so don't waste your money. However, you can do a lot to make more of what you've got. Click on the link below to see what sex expert Michael Castleman has to say about penis size. -- link added incase you wanted to check out the options to supersize your man!


Um, maybe you should stop stroking the little guy

Shock Fear

Last year, my bladder was so stressed that when I masturbated, it pulled that muscle. I had shock pain in the testes and groin area for a month. Its been 5 months since that injury. I masturbated 4 days ago and I fear that I pull that muscle every time I masturbate. Today Ive felt minor shocks probably caused by stressed. What are the odds of pulling that muscle again? What should I do? Has anyone pulled that muscle like me and if so, how long did it take you to heal?

I've been in pain with masturbation once in a while , even to the extent I was in pain when I walked but I don't know what you are going through to the point you needed surgury. How do you masturbate? Maybe it's your technique ,try doing it another way.

Patient: doctor it hurts when I do this.

Doctor: then don't do that...

What HPT to take? HELP by a social butterfly

Im having a lot of new symptoms and I cant tell if im pregnant or the new symptoms are because of my new birth control, the ring. I took a pregnancy test at 5pm yesterday. It was an old “Answer” test I had from a few months ago. It came back negative, but with all the new changes, I want to be safe then sorry. I have an active life with lots of cocktail parties, and Im afraid to wait another week and a half to see if I have a missed period to determine pregnancy or not. I know there are “early response” test, you can take, but how early is too early? And what kind do I buy…. What brand? Im scheduled to start my period April 1st, but I cant wait that long!! HELP!

The responses:

Even the best "early response" tests are only accurate a couple of days
before your missed period. No test will be accurate 10 days before. Any time you have unprotected sex or do not use birth control exactly as prescribed, pregnancy is a possibility. While there are certain times of the month when conception is more likely, it's not possible to rule it out on any given day. Sperm can live inside a woman's body for up to three days, and if ovulation occurs within a day or two after intercourse, fertilization can occur. Pregnancy symptoms often mimic PMS, so what you may or may not be feeling isn't an indication either way. The only way to answer the question "Am I pregnant?" is to take a home pregnancy test after your period is late.


Home pregnancy tests can detect the presence of a pregnancy hormone (called human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG) in a sample of urine. High levels of hCG are produced during pregnancy. The home tests are very similar to the pregnancy tests done on urine in most doctors' offices.

~~~ Response #2 - more the suck it up deal type of person.
I'm sorry but if you're not scheduled to get your period until April 1st, you are just going to have to wait a while longer. Even the most sensitive of HPTs won't detect the hormone until perhaps 4 days before your missed period. Sorry

~~~ Response #3 - i've been there done that... I know best.
Well, you probably will have to wait that long. When I was pregnant with my first I was almost 2 weeks late before I got a positive. So taking a test 1.5 yearly isn't going to give you an accurate answer. The early tests are up to 5 days before, but they don't always work, it all depends on how much hcg is in your system. When you do take a test always use your first morning urine since it's the most concentrate.

~~~ Response #4- go for the big guns... go for a bloodtest.
You should always take a test with your first bathroom run of the day. The brand name of "Early Response" states you can take it 5 days before your missed period. **But it states that it is not 99.9% accurate until the day after your first missed period. If you would like to know before 3-28-07, than I suggest that you get a blood test done at your dr. Before I had a pos. test with my daughter, I tried taking a test a week & 1/2 to two weeks before (my missed period) because I felt that I knew that I was prego, and it came out neg. If you can't get a blood test and can't wait until at least 3-28-07, then I would stay away from the cocktails.

At least this one won't be breeding now that she has the "ring" and a social life. Cheers!

My body KNOWS what the calendar KNOWS

wants to be a mother (by someone who thinks HER body can sense changes in the number of days in a month on the calendar. I LOVE the fact that OPK is the only thing in the whole post worthy of capitalizing.)

have a question. i usually have 26days but this month it wasn't upto. (24) could it be because of the feb which ended in 28days? am confused now i don't what to do . pls i need help. since my period started earlier than before, what is the day for me to use my OPK?


Reply: wants to be a mother (by someone patient)

Since your cycle was 2 days shorter, start the OPK 2 days earlier.

Your body doesn't know how many days are in the month. It's on its own cycle so has nothing to do with that. If the calendar had only say 16 days in one month, that doesn't mean that your cycle would only be 16 days. The 2 have nothing to do with each other.

If you are interested, I would recommend that you bbt chart. A 26 day cycle is totally normal, however 24 days is somewhat short and I would be concerned if the luteal phase was sufficient. Charting will give you that answer...if this happens often it would be worth it.


Maybe he is eating mothballs?

I really don't need to say anything, do I?

moth ball breath (by j**** on Mar-20-07, 2 da ago)
what could be causing moth ball breath in a 56 year old man. I know it is not a dental problem since he goes to the dentist on a regular basis and does not have any teeth decay. he does snore alot and loudly every night.

Submission - priceless thinking from "new people"

So frustrating (by a poster who leaves me feeling like all the air would be out of her lungs at the end of this. One big old LOOOOOONG paragraph, probably spoken without taking a breath.)

Just venting...Got off bcp in January (last pill period 1/10) Ob wanted me to have one period off the pill before starting ttc. Well, was supposed to have my next period 2/7, but AF didn't show in full flow till 2/21. Had bloating on 2/2 till AF showed up. Now its happening again!! I started feeling bloated last Friday and have been having cramps on off, my bbs are swollen, fatigue, etc...just feeling crappy on and off. Technically, if my cycle is 28 days Im due this week, but I dont know if Im really going to get it since I was 2wks late last month. Its so frustrating b/c I have no clue as to when Im supposed to ovulate and I dont feel like being bloated for over 2 weeks again, along with swollen breasts and on and off cramps, fatigue. I guess this is normal after coming off bcp but it makes me feel so anxious b/c Im hoping that Im pg. I will take an hpt the end of this week if AF doesn't show just to be safe. Uggghhh I know this takes time and I haven't been trying long at all, its just annoying when you can't even get your period on time.


So frustrating (by some questions ARE too stupid to ask, you're just too nice to say so)

I totally understand what you are saying and I'm sorry that you're going through this. I wish that I could wave a wand and make it better, but unfortunately it's not that easy. Early PG symptoms are a lot like AF symptoms so I've sworn that I was PG about 5 times, but here I is a great way to track your symptoms and also find out if and when you ovulate. You can track your BBT, OPK results anything and everything that you could ever think of. They have an ovulation predictor so once you have a few cycles on there you can start trying to better time your BDing. I totally understand your frustration and I hope that your stay here is short, but until then these ladies are the best!! So ask any questions that you might have and never feel like any question is too stupid. HTH

So frustrating (by someone who will probably get knocked up the first time she ovulates)

I'm with ya 100%!! My first cycle off the pill was 36 days so I'm not sure when to expect af next! The good thing about that tho...easier to not get hopes up if you don't know when you should expect af or test!? Right? I think that I'm going to wait until April 1st...if no af then I will test, so that's my plan at least!

Everyone had different "symptoms" off the pill...I have also been super bloated, and my face is so nasty and broken out! I'm SO impatient too and it is hard for us control-freaks to have everything up in the air you know!? I think you should wait to test until you are "two-weeks late"/same number of days as last cycle that way you aren't testing too early. Hopefully you'll get your bfp and be done with this rollercoaster right!? Hope that helps!

I KNOW!! (by "Like, Oh My God! say it in your BEST Valley girl tone!)

I feel the same way!! I stopped taking my BCP in January too... and I haven't had my period since then!! The waiting is really frustrating. Just know that there are others out there going through what you are going through... it does help to have someone to vent to, so feel free anytime. Try to keep positive... best of luck

Re: I KNOW!! (by some I'd like to slap around. NOT GETTING PREGNANT seems to be a big reason for ME to pull my hair out in TTC, esp. considering I've never even TAKEN BCP!!)

Coming off of BCP is one of the many causes for hair pulling during TTC. (edited because of a lack of need to show it)

Re: (((butting in))) (by someone just dipping their toes into the waters of TTC, she hasn't even scratched the surface, but has no idea how hard it can be. She's also missing the '&" button)

Thanks everyone! Im glad I found this board b/c honestly I really didn't know how many ppl were in the same boat as my dh and I. I know it looks really easy to get pg, but for many its not. I dont feel so alone any more

That and Im glad Im not the only one whose body is "messed up" after coming off the pill. Sometimes I wish I was back on it just to clear up my skin and make my period come on time.

Re: Having a baby is WORK (by a girl who's probably fascinated that her shoes stay tied, too)

With all the information I have gathered since we started TTC, it never ceases to amaze me that ANYone gets KU!!! Even when everything is perfect, you only have a 20-25% chance of getting pregnant. How does anyone do it?!?!?


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

look what I do for a living... I give people the tools needed to steal identites

This just seems wrong!

What's in a name? by K****

Kurt Kham Kingsakounthong

Then she explains it:

once I typed that, that I should've explained what I do for a living... I work for the local county in the office where we keep track of deed's and mortgages. So I just came across a deed with this guy's name on it SORRRYYYYYY --

So anyone want to see if they can dig up any personal info on this man? He may live in Kansas and I'm sure when he decided to do business at this office he knew his name would be plastered on Webmd just because it sounds... funny.

Submission - exercise...

Exercise Question.... (by a poster) (the food for thought from the person that sent it to me is below. :o) )

Well, I know this may be a stupid question, but I have to ask in anyways....
Is it ok to exercise while you are TTC? What about the 2 WW?

I am only on CD 13, but I can't help thinking that I am somehow preventing my follies from developing to their fullest because I run about 1 mile every week day. Is that bad? I really need to shape up, but I want to make sure it wont hinder my efforts on trying to concieve.

OK, how did cave people reproduce, they didn’t get to sit around and eat bon bons while trying to produce little cave people. They actually had to go out and hunt and gather and that was exercise.

I hate those posts, use some form of common sense.
BTW, I love the new idea for this blog, awesome!

Thanks for the submission! :o)

My CM story...

P** MD (by a poster) (when called out like this, do the mods just CRINGE? Do they drink a lot to keep from going batty? I notice OTHER posters kind of avoiding this post, is this a common one we should keep an eye on? Perhaps we will have to watch and see!)

Hi I read on the internet that the reason I don't have CM is b/c I'm not O'g and on my BBT graph my temps go up like I am O'g can you give me any other reasons why there isn't any CM? THANKS

No CM, I've lost my CM!!! Not even preseed which is slippery shit in a tube can help this girl be lubricated, apparently!!

The Reason To Be Here

You've seen it. I've seen it. A post that makes you want to email your friends, when you can see through the tears again. The kind that just makes you want to shake them and say, WTF? Share them.

We can't be everywhere all the time, so if you see some prizewinners, share them, whether it's emailing them to me, posting them yourself or whatever! Let's see those folks shine (so we can pick on them without being mean TO them). :o)

All I can say is I HOPE she's not...

preganet? (by unshure - left the name in because who gives a shit, when they can't even spell unsure? And here we go again, it's PREGNANT, PREGNANCY or please use birth control, you're obviously too STUPID to raise a child and teach it anything but how to spell it JUST as you say it, like you do))

I have only had a hemeroid once and that was when I preganet. I have one now but have and IUD, could I still be preganet? I have also had an incresed apatite and have had some moments where I've been dizzy and moody.


preganet? (by someone far more patient than I am)

Only a test will tell you if your pregnant. Anyone can get a hemroid.

At what point do you stop believing the bullshit?

HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP! (by J***) (quick note here, he's only 16 and smarter than a lot of people who are twice and more his age. He can SPELL PREGNANT AND PREGNANCY!!!)

Ok yeah, I'm 16 years old and my girlfriend (also 16) thinks she may be pregnant but she told me today that she has her period but there's no other symptoms besides the bleeding but her breasts are sore/swollen, she's constantly tired, feels sick when eating (but is always craving food), and all the signs point to pregnancy...Talking to her isn't the same now, I can hear the worry and fear of it in her voice...I feel horrible cuz there's nothing I can say to make her feel better. We don't even know for a fact yet if she is pregnant or not, but she has a big hunch. I'm planning on buying her a home test but is a negative on a home test something I should trust? We're young, so we pretty much only have each other to turn to, parents getting involved at this point isn't really an option...idk, someone please just respond...I just wanna know: Do those signs necessarily mean pregnancy? Can she have her period and still be pregnant? Does anyone have any other advice in general? Please just help me, email is (home email deleted from post to protect the ignorant, I mean innocent, shit, I ALWAYS mess that up!)...PLEASE HELP ME OUT, PLEASE...HELP MY GIRLFRIEND, I love her and hate to see her this scared, thanks in advance to anyone who helps.

- J**


HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP! (by a poster with some refreshing common sense)

If she is on her period, then she is not pregnant.

Re: HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP! (by J**) (I listen to what the little alien voices tell me. Just because they have a cumulative IQ of 4 doesn't mean they ain't SMART)

That's just it, she's not sure if it's her period or not cuz the only period symptom is bleeding and I've heard sooo many people say you can't have your period if you're pregnant, but I've heard just as many say you can

Re: HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP! (by one of the voices of reason) (yeah, you might be able to bleed during pregnancy, but dammit, your girlfriend is probably just LYING TO YOUR STUPID ASS to get sympathy, attention, etc.)

No. You can't have a period and be pregnant, it's impossible. But like I told you yesterday all she can do is take a test. I understand you're scared but nobody on this board can tell you if she is or not.

The bottom line is this: By definition, it is impossible to menstruate or have a period during pregnancy! That's because a period is the shedding of the uterine lining (the endometrium) that occurs in response to the fall of estrogen and progesterone when you're not pregnant.

Re: HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP! (by a chick named Wendy, but no, it's not THAT Wendy)

The bleeding the most important part of the period. What other symptoms do you think she should have? Most common symptoms that accompany a period include, cramping, headache, tender breasts and the list goes on. Some women experience more severe symptoms than others and some experience no symptoms at all.

So, if your girlfriend is bleeding, she is having her period so she is NOT pregnant.

HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP! (by a relatively aggitated poster) (stop being a dumbfuck seems to be the gist of this message)

When you are on your period you have pms symptoms which are the same as pregnancy symptoms. But with pregnancy you DO NOT HAVE A PERIOD. if she is bleeding a normal period flow and having normal breast soarness, tired, moody, eating habit different she is not pregnant. Take a test to find out but again the symptoms are the same but if pregnant there is NO bleeding. Should probably start being more protected if you plan on taking this kind of responsibility and especially if you know that you are not ready to be a father or mother. Really think about what you are doing and how this will effect a childs life if she is pregnant. Think before you act in the future.

Re: HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP! (J**) (letting the world know that sperm from the most shallow end of the gene pool is oblivious to latex restraints)

We use a condom everytime, it's not like we don't use any protection, but both of us were conceived while our respective parents were using a condom.

Response by a poster who very nicely states what the rest of us are thinking, perhaps, or maybe she really just IS nice that way... (SPARE ME you uneducated dipshit. Wrap that thing, use BC pills, shots, whatever you have to do. If you're not old enough to not get scared shitless that you might've gotten someone pregnant, you're not old enough to perform the act that could GET her pregnant. Neither of you are. Deal with it and abstain until you're 30.)

First of all, kudos for taking care of your girlfriend and being concerned. While it is true some women do bleed during their pregnancy usually a period means that she would not be pregnant. Since you're scared the symptoms of pregnancy and periods can seem similar and sometimes they are. If it gives you piece of mind buy a digital pregnancy test and have her take it. If she is having her period and the pregnancy test says negative then you should be able to trust that. In the future, you and your girlfriend should call/consider visiting a planned parenthood center where they can help you both make decisions about avoiding pregnancy and still practicing safe (or safer) sex. Check with the planned parenthood center about what they can and cannot tell the parents of minors. In most states teenagers privacy rights are protected at these types of places. The very best thing you and your girlfriend can do is to be educated.