Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Reason To Be Here

You've seen it. I've seen it. A post that makes you want to email your friends, when you can see through the tears again. The kind that just makes you want to shake them and say, WTF? Share them.

We can't be everywhere all the time, so if you see some prizewinners, share them, whether it's emailing them to me, posting them yourself or whatever! Let's see those folks shine (so we can pick on them without being mean TO them). :o)


Anonymous said...

ahhhh! You know, I need to know who is a member here so I never ever make fun of someone here! ;)

Wen782 said...

Nancy, if one of us burns a trail of silly, no one actively invited to post would be offended by being called out, it would be more along the lines of laughing right along with us!! :o)