ACLU and Breast Feeding (Rather graphic and rude, and hell, I don't HAVE to add much...)
Posted: Sep 16, 2006 10:49 PM
Lactating Ladies sounds like either a movie title for a sick porn flick or a song...
WHO calls bf'ing having their child "on the tit"?
So a woman in the middle of a very busy and crowded Toys'R'Us decides to pop her titty out and begin suckling her child. A store employee asks her if she could refrain or use the family bathroom in the store (which is why they have those for you lactating ladies). The woman, in a flurry of self-righteousness, says "I know my rights! My child is on the tit! I can feed it when and wherever I want! Even in front of these children with their parents who will be asking questions in the car on the way home, that yeah, maybe their parents didn't want to address yet. But I don't care because I'm a breastfeeding bitch and I'm going to make a scene instead of just going to a private area!"
So when the woman started making a scene and causing a disturbance, they called security on her ass. Might have something to do with the fact that she was causing a disturbance in a very crowded mall on the anniversary of September 11th... *shrugs*.... just maybe.
Now the ACLU is trying to sue Toys'R'Us. Give me a fucking break. The lady should have just gone to the bathroom instead of screaming in the middle of the store. It may be a "civil right" but so are a lot of other things that aren't neccessarily appropriate.
Funny little quote I hear a lot from older, wiser Americans. "Your rights end where mine begin." Think about it.
Never too young to tell your child that some people want to breastfeed in public and that some people are freaking PERVS
Natural child care and porn aren't the topic. Not all parents want to have to explain to their 5 year old why that lady has a baby sucking on her breast, some parents like to wait until their children can fully comprehend what they're being told.
If someone complained that her breastfeeding made them uncomfortable in the middle of a crowded store, then the store has the right to ask her to do it in private or somewhere else. Her making a scene about it and having security called on her for being belligerent is no one's fault but her own.
I couldn't care less if someone is breast feeding in front of me. I've got tits I know what they look like, but if someone says, "Hey, could you stop doing that in front of my kids?" she should have been graceful enough to not do it there. She could have walked into the nearest Wal-mart and walked around barefoot with her tit hanging out and I'm sure no one would have cared... but someone there did.
Millitant breastfeeders? LMAO And if I find out that anyone I know is still breastfeeding their child at the age of 5, oh, I'm going to wonder about you
Breastfeeding isn't a crime. I'm not crazy about these militant breastfeeders, but the woman was standing up for her rights. And I do feel a little uncomfortable when I seeing someone breastfeeding in public, but the argument that people shouldn't do it because small children might see is ridiculous. In some cultures five year olds still breastfeed! Any parent who doesn't want to explain that to their child should leave the kid at home. The rest of society shouldn't pander to these overprotective parents. By being reluctant to simply say to the child, "That mommy is feeding her baby. I did that when you were a baby," the parents are teaching the kids that the most natural act in the world is dirty.
Having a child = "squirting out a pup" - wow, who knew? I WANNA BE A BREEDER, TOO!!! Second paragraph - too funny. BF'ing will make your kid be a drain on society.
I agree with the notion that society shouldn't pander to overprotective parents. I also feel that parents should not be given special benefits soley because they squirted out a pup. Too many breeders think the fucking world revolves around their brat(s). Breasts serve a biological function. I can't stand militant anything, but this shouldn't have been such a big deal. I personally don't care to see a baby drinking milk straight from the tit, so I choose not to stare at a woman when she is feeding her child this way.
I also think if you are old enough to ask for it, then you're too old to have it. I knew a four year old who nursed. His mother was really into the La Leche League or whatever it's called and sent him to Montessori private schools and did all the supposedly right crunchy granola earth mother things she thought were good for him. This kid grew up to rob a convenience store.
Oh, my... so eloquent. Just full of all sorts of jewels. Read on...
people have rights, and i reserve the right not to have to look at some bitch's nasty tittie and her disgusting potato lump of a baby sucking on it in public. that may be how the baby is fed, but the baby does not have to drink exclusively from the breast. there are breast pumps, you can put your breast milk into a bottle to feed to your child when in a public place. i dont think it is such a matter of "my child doesnt need to see this yet" but a matter of no one needs to see that. i do not want to look at some womans boobies. and yes, i could look else where, but i should not have to, i should not be inconvinienced because someone decided to have a baby and feed it strictly from the breast only. it is disrespectful to the people around you, and only a truly trashy bitch would pull a stunt like this.
I FEEL a little dirty after this last one...
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