Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Submission - exercise...

Exercise Question.... (by a poster) (the food for thought from the person that sent it to me is below. :o) )

Well, I know this may be a stupid question, but I have to ask in anyways....
Is it ok to exercise while you are TTC? What about the 2 WW?

I am only on CD 13, but I can't help thinking that I am somehow preventing my follies from developing to their fullest because I run about 1 mile every week day. Is that bad? I really need to shape up, but I want to make sure it wont hinder my efforts on trying to concieve.

OK, how did cave people reproduce, they didn’t get to sit around and eat bon bons while trying to produce little cave people. They actually had to go out and hunt and gather and that was exercise.

I hate those posts, use some form of common sense.
BTW, I love the new idea for this blog, awesome!

Thanks for the submission! :o)

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