Wednesday, March 21, 2007

At what point do you stop believing the bullshit?

HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP! (by J***) (quick note here, he's only 16 and smarter than a lot of people who are twice and more his age. He can SPELL PREGNANT AND PREGNANCY!!!)

Ok yeah, I'm 16 years old and my girlfriend (also 16) thinks she may be pregnant but she told me today that she has her period but there's no other symptoms besides the bleeding but her breasts are sore/swollen, she's constantly tired, feels sick when eating (but is always craving food), and all the signs point to pregnancy...Talking to her isn't the same now, I can hear the worry and fear of it in her voice...I feel horrible cuz there's nothing I can say to make her feel better. We don't even know for a fact yet if she is pregnant or not, but she has a big hunch. I'm planning on buying her a home test but is a negative on a home test something I should trust? We're young, so we pretty much only have each other to turn to, parents getting involved at this point isn't really an option...idk, someone please just respond...I just wanna know: Do those signs necessarily mean pregnancy? Can she have her period and still be pregnant? Does anyone have any other advice in general? Please just help me, email is (home email deleted from post to protect the ignorant, I mean innocent, shit, I ALWAYS mess that up!)...PLEASE HELP ME OUT, PLEASE...HELP MY GIRLFRIEND, I love her and hate to see her this scared, thanks in advance to anyone who helps.

- J**


HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP! (by a poster with some refreshing common sense)

If she is on her period, then she is not pregnant.

Re: HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP! (by J**) (I listen to what the little alien voices tell me. Just because they have a cumulative IQ of 4 doesn't mean they ain't SMART)

That's just it, she's not sure if it's her period or not cuz the only period symptom is bleeding and I've heard sooo many people say you can't have your period if you're pregnant, but I've heard just as many say you can

Re: HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP! (by one of the voices of reason) (yeah, you might be able to bleed during pregnancy, but dammit, your girlfriend is probably just LYING TO YOUR STUPID ASS to get sympathy, attention, etc.)

No. You can't have a period and be pregnant, it's impossible. But like I told you yesterday all she can do is take a test. I understand you're scared but nobody on this board can tell you if she is or not.

The bottom line is this: By definition, it is impossible to menstruate or have a period during pregnancy! That's because a period is the shedding of the uterine lining (the endometrium) that occurs in response to the fall of estrogen and progesterone when you're not pregnant.

Re: HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP! (by a chick named Wendy, but no, it's not THAT Wendy)

The bleeding the most important part of the period. What other symptoms do you think she should have? Most common symptoms that accompany a period include, cramping, headache, tender breasts and the list goes on. Some women experience more severe symptoms than others and some experience no symptoms at all.

So, if your girlfriend is bleeding, she is having her period so she is NOT pregnant.

HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP! (by a relatively aggitated poster) (stop being a dumbfuck seems to be the gist of this message)

When you are on your period you have pms symptoms which are the same as pregnancy symptoms. But with pregnancy you DO NOT HAVE A PERIOD. if she is bleeding a normal period flow and having normal breast soarness, tired, moody, eating habit different she is not pregnant. Take a test to find out but again the symptoms are the same but if pregnant there is NO bleeding. Should probably start being more protected if you plan on taking this kind of responsibility and especially if you know that you are not ready to be a father or mother. Really think about what you are doing and how this will effect a childs life if she is pregnant. Think before you act in the future.

Re: HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP! (J**) (letting the world know that sperm from the most shallow end of the gene pool is oblivious to latex restraints)

We use a condom everytime, it's not like we don't use any protection, but both of us were conceived while our respective parents were using a condom.

Response by a poster who very nicely states what the rest of us are thinking, perhaps, or maybe she really just IS nice that way... (SPARE ME you uneducated dipshit. Wrap that thing, use BC pills, shots, whatever you have to do. If you're not old enough to not get scared shitless that you might've gotten someone pregnant, you're not old enough to perform the act that could GET her pregnant. Neither of you are. Deal with it and abstain until you're 30.)

First of all, kudos for taking care of your girlfriend and being concerned. While it is true some women do bleed during their pregnancy usually a period means that she would not be pregnant. Since you're scared the symptoms of pregnancy and periods can seem similar and sometimes they are. If it gives you piece of mind buy a digital pregnancy test and have her take it. If she is having her period and the pregnancy test says negative then you should be able to trust that. In the future, you and your girlfriend should call/consider visiting a planned parenthood center where they can help you both make decisions about avoiding pregnancy and still practicing safe (or safer) sex. Check with the planned parenthood center about what they can and cannot tell the parents of minors. In most states teenagers privacy rights are protected at these types of places. The very best thing you and your girlfriend can do is to be educated.

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