Thursday, March 22, 2007

Where do I get these so called "magic" pills?

A pill that can make your johnson grow... these are every girl's dream pills. These sound better than magic Jack and the beanstalk beans...

Pills for penis enlargement:
I have heard that these pills do in fact increase the size of your member. Has anyone also heard this?

~~~Response #1 - Grow penis grow!
Only when inserted under the skin, and then only temporarily. Think about it. How rich would the guy be who invented a pill that would grow your penis? That man or woman's name would be on every news broadcast, every stock market report, etc. He would be buying Bill Gates, just because he could.

~~~Response#2 Mod
No pill or potion can enlarge your sex organ, so don't waste your money. However, you can do a lot to make more of what you've got. Click on the link below to see what sex expert Michael Castleman has to say about penis size. -- link added incase you wanted to check out the options to supersize your man!


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