Thursday, March 22, 2007

My body KNOWS what the calendar KNOWS

wants to be a mother (by someone who thinks HER body can sense changes in the number of days in a month on the calendar. I LOVE the fact that OPK is the only thing in the whole post worthy of capitalizing.)

have a question. i usually have 26days but this month it wasn't upto. (24) could it be because of the feb which ended in 28days? am confused now i don't what to do . pls i need help. since my period started earlier than before, what is the day for me to use my OPK?


Reply: wants to be a mother (by someone patient)

Since your cycle was 2 days shorter, start the OPK 2 days earlier.

Your body doesn't know how many days are in the month. It's on its own cycle so has nothing to do with that. If the calendar had only say 16 days in one month, that doesn't mean that your cycle would only be 16 days. The 2 have nothing to do with each other.

If you are interested, I would recommend that you bbt chart. A 26 day cycle is totally normal, however 24 days is somewhat short and I would be concerned if the luteal phase was sufficient. Charting will give you that answer...if this happens often it would be worth it.


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