Thursday, March 22, 2007

If you just agree with me for a minute, we can have sex.

Wow, if you agree with me, we can do the dirty deed. If you don't, then I don't think that even people that agree with you should have sex with you. Maybe this girl thinks that she and HER like-minded planet-mates are the ONLY ones who should EVER procreate, again... God Love Ya, R88888...

One shouldn't have sex with people who have very different views on reproductive rights.
By R***** on February 19, 2007
I think I have a right to birth control pills, condoms, an abortion should I need one, etc. And one of the ways I can help to encourage that right is to not have sex with people who think that I don't. Their views effectively mean that they think I should be punished for having sex, so clearly they think I should be having less sex. The natural consequence of that is that I think nobody should have sex with them. As I am pro-choice, I don't have sex with people who aren't, and I encourage other people to do likewise. If no pro-lifer could get laid, they'd probably change their views, and even if they didn't, they'd have what they deserve.

Were I pro-life, I certainly wouldn't have sex with anyone who wasn't. And I think no male who is pro-life should have sex with a female who isn't, since it is the woman's choice whether or not to abort, and he would be running the risk of causing an action he considers to be wrong. If you have sex with someone who is pro-choice where there is any risk of a baby being created, and you aren't female, you are effectively consenting to an abortion.

Now, if you're a pro-choice man and you have sex with a woman who absolutely would not have an abortion, you are either okay with raising that child or an idiot. But it does get more complicated as you can be personally against an abortion for yourself but okay with not taking away the choice from others.

If you're a pro-choice woman, than you really shouldn't have sex with a man whose views disagree with you, but you at least need the man to be okay with whatever level of care and support you expect from him should a child ensue, otherewise again, you're stupid.

This obviously only applies for consensual sex. Any situation that involves non-consensual sex just sucks and there is a clearly very wrong action on the part of the person doing the forcing, but no fault for the person who had no choice.

I wonder if this chick was drunk as hell when she typed this up or what.

1 comment:

Heather said...

She sounds like the chick that makes you sign papers before you get busy. For her sake I hope she is fully protected when doing the deed because to be able to just throw away human life for a good consentual lay with mr Prochoice sounds a bit harsh!